Quantum Learning for Students

Empowering students to succeed in school and in life

Quantum Learning for Students (QLS) is a program of USA based Quantum Learning Network (QLN). For over 35 years, QLN has been inspiring and positively changing the lives of over 10 million children and 100,000 educators with its student and teacher programs. These programs are modeled on QLN’s highly successful summer academic and life skills program, SuperCamp. They are recognized in the United States and globally with programs in Hong Kong, Chile, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia. QLN is dedicated to helping children develop the skills they need to be successful in the classroom and in life.

QLS programs are designed to meet schools and organizations’ objectives. The experienced QLS team will blend selected modules from SuperCamp along with the Eight Keys of Excellence character building program in single, multiple day or residential programs.

Student Program Success Parameters

QLN collaborates with schools to effectively design programs for students delivered within the following parameters:

Students …

  • take ownership of their choices
  • set and achieve goals
  • build a positive self-image and lose their fear of what others think
  • develop positive personal character traits (8 Keys of Excellence)
  • understand the power and consequences of personal choices
  • form a vision of their future to drive self-responsibility for learning
  • learn the value of failure for success in life

Highly trained and engaging Quantum Learning Instructors work directly with students to raise grades, test scores, and confidence.

Each QLS program is designed using content that aligns with the specific needs of the students and focus on areas in each category chosen by the school. They comprise selected modules from QLN’s SuperCamp learning and life skills curriculum. These skills are products of QLN’s 35 years of SuperCamp programs that have transformed the lives of over 75,000 students worldwide.

Teachers are encouraged to support the QLS program and receive free hands-on staff development by observing and participating in the student program.

Academic Learning Skills

Our learning skills components give students practical, research-based methods to become more successful learners.

Academic Strategies

Classes will seem easier and grade and test scores should be higher when the student discovers his/her own personal learning style and learn our study strategies and test taking skills.

Quantum Reading

Reduce study time by powering through reading assignments while actually improving comprehension.

Quantum Writing

Release creativity through strategies that foster great ideas and be able to handle a variety of writing assignments.


Make studying more fun and information easier to remember by learning innovative note-taking strategies.


Remember vocabulary words, tables, history dates, and other facts using effective memorization methods.

Life Skills - Character Development

The life skills components help students set and achieve goals, expand their comfort zone, understand the power and consequences of their choices, and improve their communication and relationships. The result is improved self-esteem and a desire to succeed in school and in life.

Communication and Relationships

Gain an advantage, build character, and influence all areas of life by learning effective communication, relationship, and listening skills.

Creativity and Problem-Solving

Find the solutions to difficult problems using creative thinking. Tap the infinite brain power through powerful Quantum Learning methods.

Eight Keys of Excellence

Embody valuable life principles that lead to positive habitual behavior, added confidence and increased motivation.


Half Day to Multi Day Programs

Design 3-hour, 6-hour or multi-day programs with selected academic and life skills that meet the unique needs of your school.

Transition/Bridging Programs (day or residential)

The transition from primary to secondary school is often challenging. With changes to environment and schedules and the need to increase self-responsibility, many youth fall by the wayside or “check out” and demonstrate negative behaviors.

A Quantum Learning student program makes a positive difference for many students. With the high societal costs of a single dropout, a powerful transition program is an excellent investment that can have significant payback.

Students develop the learning and life skills required to be successful at the next level of their education.

An added benefit is that students who participate together in a program have a strong sense of community as they move into their new school.

Test Success Program

This one- to two-day program blends character and communication skills with practical test taking tools that give students the edge they need for scoring well on standardized tests.

Students practice a range of skills that help them …

  • self-motivate and develop a positive attitude toward testing
  • access the optimal brain state for learning and memory
  • learn ten specific strategies to improve test performance
  • chunk information into manageable parts for better retention
  • retain information in long-term memory for higher test scores
  • control brain state during testing for less test anxiety and better performance