Quantum Learning
Quantum Learning is a powerful and engaging teaching and learning methodology that integrates best educational practices into a unified whole. This synergistic approach to the learning process covers both theory and practice. It has been proven to increase academic achievement and improve students' attitudes toward the learning process. These integrated, comprehensive programs turn abstract theory into practical applications that can be used immediately in the classroom.
In Quantum Learning classrooms, workshops, schools in the US and worldwide, teachers, administrators and students gain the skills and motivation to contribute to creating an academically and socially successful school community.
Quantum Learning for Teachers (QLT)
QLT is a professional development program of the Quantum Learning Network of Oceanside, California, USA. The program empowers educators from K-12th grade to create joyous, engaging and successful learning environments. Hong Kong programs are designed around the needs of each school. Public programs are held in the United States.
A few Quantum Learning Statistics...
- Over 40,000 teachers trained in and four million students impacted by Quantum Learning
- Positive impact on student academic achievement in 30,000 classrooms, across all grade levels in over 30 states in the USA for 25+ years
- Statistically and educationally significant gains in reading, mathematics, and writing
- After Quantum Learning, students' test-taking skills increased 35%
- 100% of teachers reported an increase in their effectiveness
Educators receive theory and strategies that can be implemented immediately for:
- Building a strong foundation of common understanding of classroom norms and procedures
- Creating a positive atmosphere of rapport and respect
- Constructing a supportive environment that reinforces learning
- Facilitating effective classroom management based on motivation
- Designing engaging lessons that make content more meaningful and support curriculum
- Identifying and readying all types of learners
- Delivering effective presentations and eliciting more participation.
When teachers use a large repertoire of effective teaching strategies, students are more engaged and excited about learning and teachers are more passionate about teaching.
Building a Culture of Learning
Imagine an entire student body taking ownership for their decisions—no more excuses, no more blaming others. What if the classroom was a joyous place where students were actively supportive of each other and relentlessly striving to learn?
When students, teachers and administrators are aligned with a common vision, learning is a positive and productive activity. Building a Culture of Learning focuses on strategies to develop a sustainable classroom and schoolwide culture that fosters character traits necessary for success in the 21st century.
Effective Classroom Management
What if your students were consistently on task, participating and quickly moving from one project to the next? Imagine your students so engaged in learning that discipline becomes nearly obsolete. What if you could teach more with less effort?
Effective Classroom Management provides immediately applicable strategies to improve classroom management, minimizing behavior challenges and maximizing student engagement.
Dynamic Lesson Design
What role does lesson design play in keeping students engaged in learning? How do teachers deliver content in a way that fosters the skills students need today and in the future?
Considering today’s students necessitates exploring how to make lessons develop self-directed learners who can adapt and work effectively in teams. Dynamic Lesson Design shows teachers how to design relevant, engaging student-centered learning experiences.
Purposeful Presentation and Facilitation
Imagine a classroom where students are alert, asking questions, and eagerly engaged in learning. Observing more closely, you see the teacher is consciously creating these student results with artfully orchestrated phrasing, movement, and vocal choices.
How we consciously and unconsciously use our voice, words, and body affects every human interaction we have. Purposeful Presentation and Facilitation provides techniques for teachers, administrators, instructional coaches, and counselors to deliver their message with utmost clarity and influence.
Masterful Learning Tools
How can you help students more easily retain the volume of information they are required to learn? What are the best methods to get them to recall that information? What strategies exist to give them a feeling of ownership and control with their learning?
As school standards, college courses, job requirements, and the world at large change at a fast rate, students need skills that help them adapt and remain flexible with constantly changing information. In Masterful Learning Tools, teachers receive Quantum Learning curriculum to teach students so they can learn how to learn.